He removed her dressing....
Removing the dressings, and cutting to remove the drainage tube.

And removed her draining tube....(which by the way she did not even know when he was taking it out!)

Her back is healing nicely...

Looks like we will be going home right after lunch. :)
Telling Nana in FL that she is going home TODAY!!! Woot!

Ok, before I close, I just have to give God some glory here!!! J has done remarkably well for a gal who has 2 large rods, 15 screws and 12 fusions to the end of lumbar!!! The nurses have said to us that they all would fight over her because she was the best spinal patient they have ever had. They could not believe how she never whined or complained to them. When the child life specialist accompanied her downstairs for her x-rays, she said that most of the teens and children cry and whine when the put the board behind their backs for x-rays. She said Jordan was in obvious pain, but she never cried or whined. And for that she got a cute valentines bear from the child life specialist. :)
I only say that not only to brag a bit on my daughter, but to give God the glory because she totally has trusted HIM throughout this whole ordeal. She has a lot of healing yet to do once we get settled in at home, but we know and trust that God will walk with us through this.
Thank you all for praying and I will continue progress updates from home!
1 Chronicles 16:8-10 (New International Version)
8 Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name;
make known among the nations what he has done.
9 Sing to him, sing praise to him;
tell of all his wonderful acts.
10 Glory in his holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice.
Congratulations Jenn and Family. That's so awesome that you get to go home today. The body is amazing at how it recovers from such trauma. The insision looks like it's healing perfectly. Congrats again.
Yes it is! Thank you so much. :)
We are so excited! I know we will face new challenges at home, but I think we will all rest better there.
Oh, Great News for you guys! Not only going home but that everything is healing well:)
We know there are still more healing to be done and more challenges ahead.... but we remember that God has been faithful in the past (and in the hospital) and will continue to be faithful in the challenges that might await:)
Continue to heal dear friend!
Yay, yay, YAY!!! This is AWESOME news!! And way to go Jordan for being such an awesome example of Christ and trusting in him through this whole ordeal!
So glad to hear the good news! What a sweetie your little girl is. We will continue to lift her up in prayer.
Keep us updated! :)
Thanks everyone! God is SO good!
Rebecca, I'll keep posting updates.
Thank you all for your prayers! Keep her in your prayers...her next follow up is in 4 weeks. Now we pray against things like infections. Which I trust the Lord is healing her so well.
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