Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Started Slow, Finished Strong!

Last night and early AM J did not sleep well. She was restless from about 2 AM on through the morning. Every 30 mins asking to be moved, or feeling itchy with the remnants of the rash. As the morning went on, she was real sluggish. She did not eat a good breakfast. Only a few cheerios, a few bites of a banana and some white grape juice. However, she did enjoy having a few visitors. The Youth Pastor and his wife from the church we are regularly attending...Oh, and papa smurf...(hehe, its an inside joke with the youth. ;)


After lunch she pepped up! She ate a great lunch...her whole grilled cheese sandwich, some baked chips, and sprite. Shortly thereafter Physical Therapy came.

We worked with a different therapist today and he really motivated her to do some things on her own. This gave her a lot of confidence to move forward. She didn't fall or get weak at all. The only complaint was a headache, and her scapula area behind her underarms are still hurting when she sits or stands. The Dr. ordered x-rays to check this area to make certain everything is alright there.

Here are a few photos from her PT session:

She walked around the nurses station which was up the hall and around in a circle and back to her room door:

After she walked, the therapist sat her upright in a wheelchair.
Here is the physical therapist talking with J about how she is feeling, and about attempting the stairs.

Here she is starting her first step up the stairs...hemovac and all! ;)

She got up 4 steps and down 4 steps. It was more painful than it looks, but she did really great!

Here hemovac is draining more today than usual. After this many days it is not usually draining as much, but she did have a very extensive surgery, so the surgeon was not as concerned about this. He is leaving it in another day to drain. She will have x-rays to check her upper back and shoulders either today or tomorrow. She is on the radiology schedule though.

Tomorrow Physical Therapy will work with her on sitting on a commode. They will determine then if she needs one of those taller commode chairs over the toilet.

We are praying every day for her to be stronger and stronger. We may be able to go home on Friday. Party time if she does!!! :)

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