Saturday, October 25, 2008

4 AM...not for the weaker stomachs

Well, It's 4 am, and I was awakened from my slumber to the sounds of a thud and my son yelling for me!!!

Since we are in a new place with stairs (townhouse), my first thought was that he had gotten up to use the bathroom, and was disoriented, and fell down the stairs! So I ran that way toward the stairs, and guess what...I slipped in something. Oh yeah, ever seen the YaYa movie? Well, I didn't freak like she did, but Josh was in the bathroom alright...vomito grande'!

He is my kid who has always "made it" to the bathroom in these types of instances, but in this case fell short just a tad... right outside of the bathroom, in the carpet. Oh yeah, did I mention I stepped in it?!?!!! Not just stepped, I did some sort of surfing I didn't know I was capable of doing at 4 AM!....Blucky!!!

So after helping Josh get in and out of the shower, and me scrubbing carpet, here I, am I CRAZY! lol!!!

I'm a tish nauseated myself. Not sure if it is just the thoughts of having to clean that up, or if it is me feeling sick with the same bug coming on...or perhaps fatigue...ugh! Not good timing b/c we have so much more packing and cleaning to do...(today)...

Guess I'll try to get another hour of sleep before getting up at 6 am to go back and pack some more. We have some guys meeting us at our home at 8:30 am to help us load the rest of the heavy pieces. It takes us approx 40 mins to drive one way.

Hopefully you all are snug in your beds and getting good sleep. =) By the way, Happy Birthday Bailey!!! Wish we could be there with you for your birthday. We miss you and love you all!


Kalle said...

Oh no. I hope everyone starts to feel better soon. Have a good weekend and smooth rest of the move.

My Heart Belongs to Jesus (CindyLou) said...

So Sorry. Wish I could be there to help you. Will pray you get the things that have to be done and then find time to get well.

We have a house full of boys for Bailey's birthday. Acutally they are outside at the moment playing Octaball. I have everything in here in control for some Wii Bowling, Popcorn and Ice and Movie. I need to go back out but it is getting cold here.

Jennifer said...

I'm so sorry! My little girl (only 3) is sick tonight, too:( I hate sick kids! It's so sad and I just wish I could be sick for them!!!

Jenn said...

ik, i so would rather it be me than them. josh rarely complains when he is sick. he is really a good patient. =)

he always bounces back quickly too. he was feeling much better later that day.