Sunday, October 12, 2008

I've been tagged by Jenny...

I've been tagged by Jenny, and so here goes!

1. Where is your cell phone? right beside me

2. Where is your significant other? asleep (where I should be!)

3. Your hair color? dark brown

4. Your mother? Bonnie

5. Your father? Deceased

6. Your favorite thing? My Fam

7. Your dream last night? Don't remember...

8. Your dream/goal? worship leader/songwriter, and to use all of my creative gifts for ministry purposes as well such as photography and learning web design. One more goal is to finish my psychology degree.

9. The room you're in? dining rm

10. Your hobby? photography, drawing, painting, writing, crocheting, singing, learning piano

11. Your fear? idk...try not to focus on fears

12. Where do you want to be in six years? that much closer to my goals

13. Where were you last night? with our children, then here after i got them to bed...blogging...then bed!

14. What you’re not? good with numbers

15. One of your wish list items? slr camera

16. Where you grew up? Central FL

17. The last thing you did? took photos of the moon in the walmart parking lot (tonight we stopped to get a few groceries, and the moon looked so pretty)

18. What are you wearing? pj's that say "share your dreams" on them. haha , how fitting!

19. Your TV? extreme home makeover...only 19" with bunny ears/ not cable in our home...

20. Your pet? had to give her up when we moved here...miss my lucy lulu

21. Your computer? MAC BABY!

22. Your mood? content, but feeling a little nauseated. ( no i'm not pregnant...full hysterectomy )

23. Missing someone? yeah, many someones...

24. Your car? minivan

25. Something you’re not wearing? Shoes

26. Favorite store? target or tj maxx toss up!

27. Your summer? ok, not as great as last summer. Have high hopes for the next summer tho!

28. Love someone? yep, my Pooh, and my two little ones

29. Your favorite color? deep purple

30. When is the last time you laughed? today

31. Last time you cried? today

I'm tagging Kelly, Shelley, Shane, Drea (if your not too busy), Angela, Kalle, and Jaime P

1 comment:

Homegrown Tribe said...

these are so fun to read! thanks for joining in!
