In the past I have painted, crocheted and did different things. I have so many interests, and really enjoy them all. Photography is one of them. For years I have taken photos when others wanted events captured, or for friends when they could not afford photos for birthday parties and what have you. Nothing on a professional level, but I have always had a love of the arts.
Right now I am praying about moving into the world of DSLR. I'm learning just fine on my Kodak P850, for however the Lord sees fit for me to do it this way.
In the meantime, I've been studying like a made woman...learning the elements of photography, editing tips, and learning from many photographers too!
Recently a photographer friend of mine here in my hometown gifted me with a portable lighting kit, and she also told me about an organization that she is going to volunteer her time for. She suggested I do something like this too because I already have some counseling skills that I have aquired.
There is an organzation that I have been praying about becoming a part of in our area, and one thing I would like to do is give back by donating my time and photography skills for this cause.
I've looked at cameras, and held them...personally, Canon is what I would like to start with. One reason being, it is one of the lightest cameras out there, and I have issues with my hands from Osteoarthritis, and Fibromyalgia.
Right now, I have a Kodak P850, and cannot afford to upgrade. I'm willing to wait it out and save up for as long as necessary. In the process of saving up, I'm going to make myself available to learn and grow as a photographer. There is one shoot I have been asked to do for a worship leader..and she asked me to help design her music page. This is exciting! Once we can get our schedules together, we are GO for this! YAY! I hope to get other small jobs to gain experience, and save toward a camera.
I'd sure love to do this lady's shoot with a Canon, but hey, I'm not going to complain if I do this with my Kodak. I'll give it my best, and make up for it with my edit skill best I can. ;)
I was a little excited and hopeful when I opened my email this morning. Drea sent me a link to "My Charming Kids" blog. I really thought I was dreaming...because on it there was a raffle/giveaway opportunity for a Canon Xsi! How cool is that??? Very... I think! She knows that I would love to upgrade, and has been a great encouragment for me in photography. :)
Wouldn't that be something if I were to actually win this? I mean...I hardly ever win things! HAHA So I'm just sayin'!!!
It would definitely be a God happening if I did! :)

So hop on over there too, and support a wonderful cause. Perhaps you may win this great prize!
Blessings, jenn
Hope you win! XSi is a nice camera.
Meeeee toooo! What a blessing from God this would be if I won!!! =)
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