This summer has been the worst for us with ants. Also, this summer has been the most fruitful for us as well. I'm thinking that all of the bountiful fruit from our pear trees, and the beautiful fresh garden vegetable are perhaps driving them in. Or, it could be a few weeks of extreme heat driving the ants to come in and find drink! Either way, it is a bit frustrating when they are actually getting into our foods!! I'm even sealing all of our foods in ziploc bags and somehow those tiny critters are getting through the seals. They are also getting through the prepackaged foods that I have not even broken the seal on yet! Boy, they are like little magicians!!!
I'll have to admit, I started out "saving the ants". I hate to kill anything, even a bug. But sometimes when it comes to roaches and ant...I give in and smash the boogers! I also gave in 2 times and cleared our kitchen, sprayed with ant killer, and then clorox'd everything...guess what..they came back!
I was sitting at the table looking outside...and noticed how much fruit our pear trees still have on them this year. I mean...we can't give away these pears!!! We have given buckets and buckets away, and the trees seem to produce more and more fruit...even though I know that pears are not like zinnias...I mean, they usually do not product more in a short amount of time when you pinch them back! lol. Yet, it sure seems like it to me! Last year we did not have near this many pears. It has been so wonderful to give them away. It has also been bad because lots of them are getting spoiled because they fall, and we can't get them all sometimes, and we can't eat them all either. We tell our neighbors and friends, take all you like! There is an abundance! A good many of them we did share...every day we go and pick up pears to share. They just keep comin'! What a blessing!
As I looked at the pear tree, I thought about how the ant are most likely coming in on the fruit. =) Also as I was looking out of the window and thinking all of these things...I looked down at my green tea with honey...hmmmmm the short time I was sitting there with my cup of Green Tea with Honey...a few of those little critters were climbing my cup to partake of some sweetness! HA!
Looking across my kitchen table

Bountiful Fruit!
The drink that our ants love! My Green Tea with Honey!!

My mother-in-law has had tons of ants in her kitchen this summer too. I don't remember her ever having trouble with them before. I think they've tried a lot of things too, and nothing has really worked.
Yes, they are very tiny little black ants...even tinier than I remember black ants being...
sprinkle a good amount of cinnamon along the window sills and the back of the counter. it either kills them or deters them--can't remember which!
I'll try it Jennier! Thanks!! =)
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