Thursday, August 21, 2008

Yard Sale Time!

My friends Drea and Angela are having a yard sale with me. YAY!

We will be moving...somewhere! We think! Everytime we think we have it figured out, God changes our direction. =) Ever have that happen???

My husband David is beginning a residency at a hospital which is about 40 miles from here. We are thinking that it would be better on our family to live near the hospital. He may be there for 2 yrs. The apartments we are looking at are walking distance from the hospital.

BUT, we will continue to attend our church here, and we know God brought us to this area too. So we are not absolutely sure if moving 40 miles is the right choice yet. What we do know is that we need to trim back our monthly expenses. If we lived near the hospital, we could get rid of my van, and use one car for 2 yrs. Since he would walk to the hospital...this would cut our gas costs tremendously! Then we would not have insurance, taxes, upkeep and gas for that second car. Seems all logical to me...but like I said, God may have something else in mind. Afterall, He is God and we are not. =) So ya'll pray for us to walk in His steps and only with His guidance and will for our lives.

Yesterday I tackled my daughter Jordan's room! I was pleasantly surprised that she was ready and willing to let go of items she couldn't bear to part with 6 mons ago when we did this! (She even let go of things that I tried to talk her back into keeping) But she put me in my place and said, "Mom, we ARE simplifying, right??? I don't need these things!" =)

Today we will finish her room, and move onto Josh's. His is a tough-y...he soooo loves ALL of his cars, small hand held superhero guys...stuff like that. Even though he is 10, he still plays with all of his toys. There are so many boys in the neighborhood who think he is a baby for doing so. I'm glad he still plays! Most kids these days are so into video games, and things on the internet that are way too mature for that age. They don't even know how to imagine and play! I told him to feel good about being a kid and enjoying the "playing". =) There is PLENTY of time "later" for more grown up things.

I've got lots of stuff, and looking forward to getting it into the hands of someone in need who can use these items. (Kelly if you want to get in on this yard sale too, we are having it Sept 6th at Drea's.) The more the merrier!

Wish me luck as I sink into the abyss of stuff! hehe

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