Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Neat FREE Online Children's Devotional

Today I found a wonderful website for FREE online children's devotions. It is called Hem Of His Garment Bible Study Online

I hope you will check it out.

It is a great devotion for children, and they even have each Bible verse linked to take you directly to a site that has the verses for the day in order for you, which is so user friendly!

Each devotion gives you a verse or few verses that correspond with the short lesson. Then at the end there is a memory verse. The children and I were able to memorize it together right then! We even made up a little rappin' song beat to go with it. (Josh has rhythm)

There are also a few discussion questions at the close, which really open up more opportunities for the children to share and learn about the Lord in ways to apply to their every day lives.

There is so much more on this site to explore...music, free course, how to study the word of God and fellowship forums.

I'm so excited about this! The children and I had such GREAT discussions this morning, and fun doing it.

The message today was titled "Fast Food"...here it is below if you would like to see an example. When you have more time, check out the website. You will be glad you did.

Fast Food

Bible Reading: Psalm 19:7-11; Luke 11:28

"Okay, kids. Into the car," called Dad after Kiara's swimming meet had ended. "We have only half an hour before Keagan's soccer game,"

Mom nodded. "Looks like we'll have to grab a quick supper at some fast food restaurant again!" she exclaimed as she closed her car door.

Keagan let out a whoop. "All right!" he said. "I like this! I could live on fries!"

"Well, I'm actually sorry that we're going to a fast food restaurant again," said Mom as they headed out. "It's really not a very healthy choice."

"In school we're learning about food groups," said Kiara. "We learned that our bodies need something from every group so that we get the right mix of vitamins and nutrients and have the energy we need to grow and be healthy."

Keagan laughed, "I'm fine with the food groups of fries and burgers," he said. "Oh . . . and frozen dairy treats, too! Keep them coming Mom!"

Mom smiled. "I know you like those things, but we need to either figure out a way to eat healthier in spite of our busy schedule or make the schedule less busy."

"We just may have to do that," agreed Dad. "A schedule that's too busy can also interfere with our spiritual diet. We often get a big dose of Bible on Sundays but settle for spiritual 'fast food' the rest of the week-like a quick prayer before meals and only a nibble of a verse here and there on week days."

"I know," said Mom. "I'm afraid we forget the importance of the Bible and all it does for us. Long ago I learned Psalm 19, and it often comes back to my mind. It says God's Word makes us wise, gives us joy, lights our way, and warns us. Plus-when we obey it, we are rewarded!"

"Right," agreed Dad, "and Jesus, Himself, said those who 'hear the Word of God and keep it' are blessed."

"Sounds like the Bible is a healthy choice!" said Kiara.

"Yeah," said Keagan as Dad parked at a fast food place, "but I'm glad we're having supper here!"

Mom smiled. "This will do for tonight," she said, "but it sounds like it's time for our family to make some changes so we can have healthier bodies and healthier souls!"


All Scripture is . . . profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16

How About You?
What kind of spiritual food do you get? Do you just get a good meal of God's Word-the Bible-on Sundays? Is prayer just something you quickly squeeze into your day? What specific things can you do today to improve your prayer life and your intake of God's Word so you'll have a healthier relationship with Him? Look over today's Scripture once again and list all the benefits you will get from "eating" more of God's Word.

Key Thought of the Day: The Bible is a "healthy choice"

Today's Keys for Kids is provided courtesy of CBH Ministries. Archives of Keys for Kids are available at the Children's Bible Hour Ministries website.

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

Sylvia...far above rubies!!! said...

Thanks for sharing will check it out.