Amber Pennell lives in our home town. We did not know her personally, but we did frequent Hannah's barbecue and she worked there.
It is so amazing how her husband did not give up on her. Through lots of prayer and faith, God led the search team to her and she was still ALIVE after 5 days!! Incredible! Click here for the full story.
To see her truck, it would seem unbelievable that anyone could survive this.
Thank you Lord for answering their prayers.
Here is what her truck looked like after they pulled it back up an 80 ft embankment. Wow....
Amber Pennell's wrecked truck...

Oh my...that is a miracle that she survived!! Wow. is unreal! We are praising God!
Wow- that is an unbelievable story! SO awesome!
I got your post on the curriculum question- email me your email address and I'll just write you directly- sound good?
That is an awesome story! Thanks for your comment on my blog. I appreciate it! I thought that working and leaving my baby girl would get easier as we went along but it just gets harder and harder! I really do appreciate the encouragement!
I can't imagine what you are going through.
I quit work and stayed with our children when they were babies. However, I did have to return to work to put my husband through seminary (that was so hard on us all for me to go back) was hard on the children b/c I had been home with them for 6 yrs, then returned to work for 4 yrs.
Now I am home with them this past yr for the first time in 4 yrs. It was a lot of sacrifice and we worked for 5 yrs to become debt free. Every time we would get a big check like tax refund or large amount of money, we would get financial advise on where would be best to pay down bills. We sold our home even to pay off debt.
So hang in there, you can do it! Believe me though, we have tough financial struggles still living paycheck to paycheck. Yet our trials are good lessons for us all to learn to completely rely on Jesus for every provision. (Our daily Manna) There are more blessings that outweigh the struggles.
=) Thanks for checking out my blog. I'm praying!
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