It is nice to be back home, and hanging with f & f!
Not only was Thanksgiving great, but my birthday (on black Fri) was AWESOME as well!
My family took me to our local Country Club for a nice luncheon. Then later I met up with my dear friend Cindy. She wanted my advise on an upgrade camera. She has been shooting with a Sony for years (not dslr) and was thinking about giving Canon a try.
It was between two cameras. She wanted to know if she should get the Canon 40D or the Xs. I was, no brainer here...go for the 40D.
I say this because she has taken photos for quite some time, and she was more than ready for the semi-pro upgrade! She will grow with the 40D much better. Cindy has been a photographer for years...doing photos and graphics for our church newsletter back home, special events, and youth events. She also has shot some weddings, graduation pics, and family portraits. She has quite an eye. =)
Speaking of is a fun shot we did while camping out at her house. After we got back from window shopping, camera shopping, dinner at The Olive Garden...more window shopping...We went back to her home and played with the new cam with GIMP and PSE 7. She has PSE 7 and I have GIMP, so we were comparing tools and such.
Here is a fun shot of us that was taken with the 40D and edited on GIMP. Keep in mind, this was taken in Auto...we did not have a lot of time to work with was like 2 am!! We were just shooting fun and silly pics to practice editing on. =)

The night before I had stayed up late with my sweet niece KayKay. She wanted to learn some GIMP, so we did this one together. This photo was taken with my Kodak are the following pics that I am posting. Actually, all of these following photos were taken with my Kodak, and edited on GIMP.
(my lips needed chapstick on this on Drea...hehe)

Can't believe I got a pic of David, HA! Everyone has always thought that our niece looks like David. Thank she could be our child. We claim her. :)

Our nieces...who are also sisters...

and last but not fun shot of kaykay...

You are one brave lady to post such close-up pics of yourself! You look great considering it was 2am!!
BTW....I LOVE the Olive Garden. LOL!!
God Bless :)
Haha...thanks. : ) It took me all these yrs to finally be confortable in my skin...
Blessings to you too!
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