I friend of mine...her daughter called and asked if I would do her make-up, hair, and photos. I was happy to do it. Since I am portfolio building I planned to do them for free. Instead, I got a "gift" hidden in my purse. So...guess I can consider this my first "paid" session with my Canon. :) What a blessing too! (now my new Canon has fully paid for itself ;)
Here are a few of my faves:

YA:) They are beautiful!! What an amazing shoot to add to your portfolio! Truly awesome:)
Cool! Fun to have the experience and to build the porfolio:)
And I'm soo glad your enjoying your Canon:)
Those are some amazing shots Jenn. Congrats!
Thank you all!
Wendy- Thanks so much!! I'm so excited! :))) Finally getting some pbing under my belt!
Kelly- I'm thrilled for sure! Love my Canon!!!
Anne B- Thank you! Can't wait to do some more of your babes in the near future! :)
Awesome job!
Thanks Stacey! :)
Good Job! So glad your pursuing your dream. I have missed you and hope you're doing well.
Angela :)
Thank you.
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