Monday, September 21, 2009

Under the Weather

Our little fam is feeling sickly today. It began yesterday morning. Bubb had a fever, sore throat and had coughed during the previous night (J told us that morning that she heard him cough in the night). J, woke up Sun morning with a sore throat as well.

Last week husband had these symptoms; fever, fatigue, sore throat and cough. He rested for a few days and feels much better...although his cough seems to be lingering.

This morning, I feel nauseated and weak, but no fever. Last night and early am, Bubb had a fever of up to 102.1, swollen and red cheeks, cough, and body aches. He and I are still weak and have nausea this morning, but his fever finally broke.

We have been so blessed this past year, and have all stayed pretty well for the most part. It seems this time of year is when the cold and flu season kicks in. We've not taken the flu shots. There is so much debate about the safety of the flu shots, and it concerns us. Every time husband has taken the flu shot, he always gets the flu full blown! So, he will definitely not be taking it.

The children and I are going to rest and stay in this week. We want to be sure of what we are dealing with. Right now it seems viral. I read from the cdc not to panic just because you have similar symptoms as the h1n1, but to only contact your physician if your symptom get increasingly worse, and not better. We will wait another day before we call or physician, to see if the symptoms keep improving. Bubb's have improved this morning.

Hope this finds everyone well! Fall is upon us, and I feel the crisp cool air in the evening; looking forward to the cooler weather, and the change of the season!

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