My husband graduated from his Chaplain Residency program yesterday. I'm so proud of him! He has worked hard and now can focus on finding a position where he can grow and serve as a chaplain. We are praying for God to lead us to the right place. He still has 2000 hrs to serve as a hospital chaplain or within a hospice. These are the only places he can work on his clinical hrs.
Right now he has a huge decision. There is a job possibility in our area, but the hours will not count at all toward his clinical hours. We still do not have a sure answer from the Lord as to which direction we should go in. We've not heard anything definite from anyone. We are seeking God, and trusting His word, promises, and living them out in faith with much prayer!
We are so thankful for praying friends and family who are true, and who love the Lord; Who encourage us and pray for us...that we will step with God and not with our own thinking.
I've been gearing up for the next school year of home-schooling. We pretty much school year round; during the summer the children continue with math, reading and language/grammar. We are getting together their curriculum for all other subjects that we do during the regular school months. Jordan is excited about doing Science/Chemistry, and learning about NC History. Josh is excited as well! He will be doing a 6th grade Science program. We are using the Apologia Science program. :)
So far here is our schedule:
Arithmetic - "Singapore Math"
Language/Grammar - "Learning Language through Literature" (they will read several books within this program which will include the following:
Reading materials:
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch
The Eagle
The Story of a Bad Boy
The Bronze Bow
Prince Caspian
King of the Wild
The Wheel on the School
Jest 'Fore Christmas
The Swiss Family Robinson
Swallows and Amazons
Big Red
Robinson Crusoe
The Wind in the Willows
Caddie Woodlawn
Where the Fern Grows
The Railway Children
The Horse and his Boy
The Crow and the Pitcher
Little Women
Invincible Louisa
Studies of the Bible in Psalm and Matthew
The Gettysburg Address
There are few books from Learning Language from Literature that they have already read...such as Little House in the Big Woods, and Anne of Green Gables. :) They will also have writing skills taught.
I will continue with...
Vocabulary - "Vocabulary Workshop"/ Sadlier-Oxford
History - The study of History of NC (Thanks to Laura for the curriculum)
Science - Apologia Science (Thanks to our friend Kathy for sharing her curriculum)
Health - Abeka Health and also more intense study of anatomy
Foreign Language -we will continue studying Latin
I'm so thankful for the help toward their curriculum. It can get expensive!
Oh, my testing of something new: I think I mentioned before that I am using a new product. I've been using it for several weeks now, and getting ready to write a review on it soon. It has been a GREAT help with editing photos!!! I'm not sure how I could live without it now! I'm sure I could; however it has made editing a whole lot easier on my hands!
My current wish list of photography items:
Canon Speedlite Flash
Gary Fong diffuser kit
A 5-in one Reflector with stand
Canon 16-35mm 2.8 Lens
An extra camera "body only" used Canon 5d
This is my wish list, not items I think I must have to be a good photographer. Yet, in some indoor low light situations, and some outdoor low light situations...these items would sure be nice to have on hand!
I've been so blessed to photograph families lately who just make the process fun! Here are a few from my latest shoot. It was a joy being with them, and I have more edits to come!

Here is where the rest part comes in. Due to my condition, I have learned that if I do not pace myself properly, I end up in a mess with fibro flare. For folks who do not go through this; you have no idea. The symptoms are unique to each person, and there is no way to compare pain. With that being said, this is my day of rest. After this blog, I'm logging off to rest through the flare, which can last for one day or days or weeks. I'm praying this will only last a day or two. I pretty well know my body, and how to manage the pain. I know lack of sleep and stress aggravate the condition (insomnia is also PART of the condition) So, prayers are helpful...advise is nice, as long as it is given in a way that is suggestive and helpful, rather than condescending and judgmental...not as being the authority when you are not me. :) Sorry to be so blunt, but that is just the way it is. :)
Believe me YES I get on the defense about it; I get it from all sides, and quite frankly some things said will do more harm than good.
So, quit trying to "figure out" and "fix" everything wrong with me/others around you, work on YOU. If this applies to "you" then allow God to work in you...(I am in that YOU spot at times!)
In the process of this life journey, let's pray for one another to become more like Christ. ;) One day you might be in a bad situation that you cannot explain (believe me I've put myself in these situations or found myself in them-so I speak from experience). It is best to have mercy, compassion, encouragement, and pray for others who have struggles, issues, sin, whatever we want to label it; you may find yourself in a bad spot someday where you need mercy and compassion. In my opinion, compassion is one characteristic that is so lacking within the christian community today.
Like I said, I'm pointing fingers at myself here as well. Jesus was MOVED to compassion, yet we christians who are to be christ-like; live life saying or insinuating to folks to "just get over it".
A dear friend of mine put on her FB something about living in a drama free zone. THAT would be nice. As long as we are living in this world...we will have drama either created by others around us, or even ourselves. This must be one of the many reasons why the Bible tells us "In this world we will have troubles"...we WILL have it until Jesus returns! My new motto is, "live with compassion". The days are short, let's show a little compassion toward one another.
On that note, I'll close on something more positive...(whomever is taking the time to read this) Look for the review to come soon, I'm so excited about it! And thankful for the opportunity. :))
I totally agree with you on your new motto, "live with compassion." God has definitely been dealing with that in me lately. I find myself having a spirit of judgement often and God has been showing it to me lately, and I don't like what He's revealing! But I know that He loves me too much to let me stay the way I am, so I'm grateful for the conviction. Thank you for your honesty! Oh, and love all the pictures...what a great family! ;)
Jenn, I'm so sorry you are suffering. I am not terribly familiar with your condition but several members of my family have other auto-immune disorders and so I can understand your frustration with finding something to help your pain. I will keep you in my prayers and hope you find a schedule that works for you. You're absolutely right, we each are uniquely crafted by God and can do and manage different things differently!
totally agree. Totally off topic: There's a new country song titled "Sound like life to me," which gives me a swift kick when I'm either having a pity party for me or not feeling overly sympathetic for those "annoying" people around me. Basically, we've all got issues we're dealing with and we will continue to. Enjoy life and live each day for Him (ok, so the last part's not in the song, but the song makes me think of that). totally off topic, so I hope your flare resolves sooner rather than later and I will be praying for you this weekend.
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