This weekend she is here visiting family. Her name is Beth. (what a wonderful sister in FL; her name is Beth Anne so I am fond of that name Beth to begin with)
Beth came to visit her family here in our area. Her brother's wife is battling sickness, so she came to visit with them. She decided to stay with us, and we are happy to have her here!! :)
Last night, our friends from church Chris and Elizabeth stopped by. They came to pick up a canvas that they had ordered from me. The canvas came from Canvas On Demand and it turned out absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! I'll most likely use this company for future canvas orders!
Here is the pose they chose for the canvas:

This is one of their engagement photos from the shoot that Lindsay assisted me with. Aren't they a beautiful couple?!!
They both had a chance to meet Beth, and we all had a great time together laughing and sharing stories. :)
Today Beth is spending a day at the beach with her family, and then will return sometime this evening. We are looking forward to sharing more time with her. Our family loves her to pieces! We all had such a blast last night giggling and being silly together!
I'm going to catch up some laundry, and then try to rest some this afternoon. :)
Hope everyone has a wonderful, and very blessed weekend!
For another canvas printing company you should take a look at CanvasPop. We can print any picture to canvas Check them out
Canvas On Demand 4 Days Exclusive Coupon: Save 25% OFF! Hurry! Expires: April 22nd, Midnight! This promotion includes anything on Canvas On Demand including Floating Frames, and Photo Splits.
I have a canvas co war on my blog comments. LOL
Thank's Tom. ;) I also receive your emails that let me know of your special promotions.
Thanks Jenn :-) Now it's the Father's Day Big-Barabum: You can save up to 30% off!
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