Saturday, March 15, 2008

Home for a visit in western NC

We are happy to be at home for a visit.

David and I drove separately here. He had to stop several times due to pains in his side and abdomen area. So we are praying for God's healing there. If this pain continues, he will go and have this checked out after we return home.

Josh left this morning to his cousin's house to play WII and he was thrilled about that!!! (He has no idea that his Aunt has bought him a WII and will be SO totally surprised tonight when he recieves his gift!!!)

Jordan is here hanging out and so enthralled with all of the cable channels that we do not get at our house. : ) She is taking in all the Disney/Hannah Montana, T.L.C. and Style that she fit into the day!! Right now she is watching "Wedding Planner".

Tonight we are cooking steaks out with David's mom, Aunt, Brother and his brother's family. Then tomorrow after church David's Aunt is having a family party for Josh at the country club here.

We are soooo looking forward to going back to our home church here for a visit. And very much looking forward to seeing our dear church family/friends of whom we have missed so much!! YAY!

Today the weather looks dreary outside. We are supposed to get some stormy weather later this afternoon. Right now it is only overcast and very the calm before the storm.

May you have a blessed day! Remember you are loved. John 3:16.


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